Love v/s Money

She was a servant's daughter,
servant who had been working for a rich man since years.
Servant was loyal but suffered an unhealthy life,
he died as couldn't bear more
and left his daughter alone for rest of her life.
She too lost her way,
but the rich man was kind anyway.
He decided to adopt her,
she also lived happily & without fear.
She worked hard for the opportunity she got,
her brother was rich man's son who usually fought.
Rich man was possessive for her own son,
and so she got everything except life with fun.
Both were of the age of getting married now,
the rich man had searched the right ones' for them anyhow.
But there was a difference,
she was married to a poorer person than her brother.
She never complained,
life was still happily spend.
She cared for the rich man,
her brother had an attitude of being a richer person.
She couldn't afford rich man's treatment,
still arranged the amount as he was the person to revitalize her for permanent.
Hard she tried,
but at last he died.
Her brother was the one to initiate for the property,
unfortunately she owned everything that rich man had.
She was surprised to know this,
could not understand the reason behind his decision.
A letter gave her the reason,
it said all about the give & take of love & affection.
Tears rolled down her eyes,
& decided to distribute that amount on rich man's name to different charities.

                                                                                                                -Shreya K.


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