Resolution Day of the Year

Celebrations around the world,
people spending money more than they monthly earned.
Burgers and vine bottles all around,
nowhere was the sadness found.
Leaving the party everyone came with resolutions,
it was all after gossips & discussions. 
Following the same from the next day was decided,
but if you follow it truly then its indeed.
We make resolutions for a better life,
it helps tune our lively fife.
Make resolution such that you complete them,
else they just remain to be a kind of fame.
Make your mind as punctual as nature,
the sun rises and sets rest nothing matters. 
Have courage to complete the same,
it may help you achieve your aims.
So, it's today to start with it,
else you will never get it.

                                                                   -Shreya K.


  1. Nice composition. Wishing you a great year ahead.

  2. wonderfull poem ..............
    batman loves it...


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